The president of the Provincial Council of Castellón, José Martí, has expressed his satisfaction with the award to Castelló Ruta de Sabor of one of the Turisme Comunitat Valenciana awards, as reported today in the Official Journal of the Generalitat Valenciana (DOGV). For Martí, the recognition of the brand promoted by the provincial institution “is also an unwavering support for the work and involvement of all companies in the province to continue advancing in a quality product that differentiates us from other destinations”. The ‘Premis Turisme Comunitat Valenciana’ are honorary awards that seek to recognize individuals, entities and institutions that during the year have stood out for their work in favor of tourism in the Comunitat and that, in the current context, have contributed to the recovery of tourism activity in the midst of the pandemic by the Covid-19. For the deputy of Tourism, Virginia Martí, this award, which will be presented by the president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, in an event to be held soon in Valencia, “is a boost to the work that is currently being developed to achieve not only food quality, but also an attractive tourism product at national and international level”. There are several categories that collect Turisme Comunitat Valenciana awards. Specifically, the recognition ‘To the promotion and tourism communication’ has been awarded ex aequo to the City Council of Cullera and Castelló Ruta del Sabor for carrying out new and unique tourism promotion and communication actions. In this sense, the initiatives developed through the quality brand of the Diputación de Castellón are praised for clearly improving the positioning in the markets and have an impact on increasing the flow of tourists. Both the president of the Provincial Council and the deputy of Tourism, on the other hand, have also put in value other awards that have fallen to entities or companies in the province, “which reflects the great work being done to continue advancing as a safe and quality destination in the tourism market. This is the case of the Valltorta Gasulla Natural Park, which has received the award in the ‘sustainable tourism’ category for contributing to sustainable economic growth, employment generation and poverty reduction, efficient use of resources and environmental protection, in addition to promoting cultural values and diversity of heritage. Next to it, there is the award for “training, research and innovation in tourism”, which goes to the Cooperativa Viver for developing research projects that lead to an increase in the competitiveness of the Valencian tourism sector.