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  • Diputación and Martín Berasategui promote the black truffle of the province of Castellón

Diputación and Martín Berasategui promote the black truffle of the province of Castellón

Tuesday, 18 December 2018 - Castelló Ruta de Sabor

The Provincial Council of Castellón has involved the chef Martín Berasategui in the best promotion and enhancement of the black truffle of the interior of the province of Castellón.

The Provincial Council of Castellón has involved the chef Martín Berasategui in the best promotion and enhancement of the black truffle of the interior of the province of Castellón. Thus, the Provincial Government has created and disseminated a viral video with the aim of publicizing the best attractions of this precious fungus by the hand of one of the best international chefs. This important initiative is part of the various actions contemplated by the Diputación de Castellón to promote the consumption of the Castellón truffle, especially during these dates in the run-up to Christmas and as part of its strategic program Castelló Ruta de Sabor to enhance the value of local gastronomy.

The deputy of Rural Development, Pablo Roig, said that “we know that we have the best truffle in the world, and it is a great pride that one of the best chefs in the world such as Martin Berasategui, great ambassador of the products of our land, joins as a great prescriber of our truffle so that everyone knows about its quality, not only nationally but also the people of Castellón”.

In that sense, the deputy said that “together we are walking in the generation of new opportunities for a sector that has much to say in the future of our people. The truffle is still a great unknown for many people from Castellón, and in our hand is to make it known by the hand of one of the best prescribers in the world as is Martin Berasategui”.

Roig thanked Martín Berasategui for his involvement in the project and assured that “for the province and the producers of Castellón it is a real luxury to have Martín Berasategui among us helping us by being an ambassador of a province that has a great pantry like ours”.

In the audiovisual piece, less than a minute long, the chef from San Sebastian appears talking with his professional partner Tere Puig, from Catí. Both highlight the great qualities of the Castellón truffle, and the chef from San Sebastian even assures that “in Martín’s kitchen there is no other truffle than the one from Castellón, both in Spain and abroad, because it caresses the palate of our customers with its quality”.

With this new initiative, the Provincial Government continues to work to publicize and value the products of Castellón as a source of new opportunities for the future of the province. A promotional work that intensifies during these dates in view of the upcoming Christmas campaign. It should be noted that after four years of experience, the brand of the Provincial Council Castelló Ruta de Sabor has managed to bring together more than 100 producers from 15 different food sectors, two designations of origin, a Protected Geographical Indication and 6 products with distinctive Natural Park. It is a brand present in stores, fairs, supermarkets and supermarkets in the province and part of the Spanish territory.

A great invitation to participate in the II Mercat de la Trufa (Truffle Market)

The broadcast of this video on the social media channels of the Diputación de Castellón coincides with the proximity of the II Mercat de la Trufa i els Productes Nadalencs Castelló Ruta de Sabor next Saturday 22nd in the Plaza de Las Aulas.

With this, the Provincial Government will consolidate what was a successful ‘Mercat de la Trufa i els productes nadalencs, Castelló Ruta de Sabor’ as the great Castellón event with the native truffle as part of the campaign that the Provincial Council is implementing for the consumption of products of the province this Christmas.

“After the success of this initiative last year, we are consolidating it this 2018 as part of our great commitment to promote the consumption of truffles in the province among the people of Castellón itself. Castelló will once again have a truffle market, and we bring it to make it known among the people of Castellón itself, since we have detected precisely a lack of knowledge and consumption among the general population. We want it to be appreciated by specialists, and also by the people of Castellón in general, in order to promote its consumption in the province. There are truffle fairs in towns with truffle tradition, such as Catí or El Toro, but in the capital of the province it is something innovative that we hope will be very well received by the public”, explained the deputy.

The main objective of this market corresponds to that of the brand of local products of the Provincial Council, Castelló Ruta de Sabor, to promote the products of the province and promote their consumption in the coming Christmas season, as well as to support the gastronomy of Castellón and tourism in the producing municipalities.

“In this market you can buy fresh truffle and derived products such as oils, cheeses, sausages, truffled eggs, as well as other typical products of these dates, such as nougat,” explained the deputy Roig.

A market full of activity and products of Castellón

Every last detail of this market has been carefully taken care of so that the visitor breathes castellonerismo in its atmosphere. Thus, you can also taste some of the best wines of the province thanks to the participation of several wineries of the IGP Vins de Castelló.

There will be 20 stands of provincial producers and truffle growers, as well as a full program of activities with a nutritional talk about Castelló Ruta de Sabor products by IS Dietitians and a live concert by Lisbeth Freites Quartet.

Information material on the market

As part of the objective of the Provincial Council of Castellón to make known the best qualities of the products of the province, the Provincial Government has published the ‘Black Truffle Guide’ in which tips are compiled for its optimal conservation according to its qualities. In addition, visitors will also find several recipes to practice at home everything learned at the Truffle Market Castelló Ruta de Sabor in order to taste one of the most appreciated raw materials of international cuisine and that produces much of the interior of Castellón.

Truffle Farming Advisory Service

Within the line of promotion and enhancement of the truffle as a backbone of tourism in the inland area, the council created the Truffle Farming Advisory Service through which offers in-person, telephone or e-mail to the farmer who has a truffle plantation. “The aim is to reinforce the truffle as a sustainable economic alternative for the inland regions of the province,” explained Roig.

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