The brand of products Castelló Ruta de Sabor promoted by the Diputación de Castellón is receiving in recent dates dozens of requests from both producers and tourist establishments in the province that see in this element of differentiation an opportunity to improve the sale of their products. A surge of interest in the agri-food and tourism sector by the brand that is also being perceived during this weekend in the development of the II Fira Gastronòmica de Alcossebre, which is committed to a full program to publicize and disseminate the products of Castelló Ruta de Sabor.
The provincial deputy of Rural Development, Pablo Roig, has assured that “the brand is consolidating and every day there are more producers and consumers who know and trust it. This is helping us to position Castelló Ruta de Sabor as an element of identity of the gastronomic quality of the province of Castellón, with strong roots in our land as we remember that it is also a tourist product that every day has more followers”.
Thus, it should be noted that a total of 115 companies in the province are already ambassadors of the Castelló Ruta de Sabor product brand: agencies, accommodation, gastrobars, restaurants, stores, markets, interpretation centers, tourist offices, visitable agri-food industries, visitable fish markets, tourist fishing and agricultural and livestock producers.
In addition, there are already a total of 99 producers with more than 250 products from a total of 15 different agri-food sectors.
An implementation of the brand that, in the opinion of the deputy, “is helping to generate new economic opportunities for establishments and production centers located in our towns. Gastronomic tourism is a growing trend that opens up new opportunities for the future, as we are already seeing”.
II Gastronomic Fair of Alcossebre
The great protagonists of the II Fira Gastronòmica de Alcossebre are being since yesterday the showcookings. Today, Saturday May 4, at 11.30 am, there will be a showcooking by students of the CdT of Castellón with products of Castelló Ruta de Sabor. At 17.00h, Atalaya restaurant chefs Emmanuel Carlucci and Alejandra Herrador will also offer a demonstration and will be followed at 18.00h by Marc Martorell and Dany Silva from Gaudir restaurant. Both restaurants are located in Alcossebre. On Sunday May 5, at 11.00h, showcooking by Paco Gonzalez, accompanied by Beatriz Gonzalez from the blog “Comisqueros”. At 17.30h, showcooking by the chef Modesto Fabregat from the restaurant Serra d’Irta and, finally, at 18.30h, demonstration by Nico Barreda from the restaurant Pou de Beca.
The tastings will begin on Saturday at 19.00h, with a popular tasting of Castelló Ruta de Sabor red wines paired with Tot de Poble cheeses, by Juan Carlos Pavía and Oscar Sales. On Sunday, at 12.00h, the tasting will be of white wines Castelló Ruta de Sabor, by Carlos García, manager of the restaurant Ópalo de Oropesa.
Demonstrations and tastings will take place in the area set up at the fair itself, on Rench Street. The festive atmosphere will be completed with concerts by The B.Wild and Simago Lemons. In addition, the restaurants and bars participating in the Gastronomic Days, parallel to the fair, continue to offer their menus and tapas based on Castelló Ruta de Sabor products.