Enogastronomy in Les Useres

We suggest this half-day food and wine plan to discover the wineries and gastronomy of the Les Useres area. You can visit different wineries, taste their most characteristic wines and try typical local dishes in one of their restaurants.


Les Useres

What to visit and what to do

  • Visit a winery and enjoy a morning in the vineyard with one of the wine tourism activities offered by the wineries throughout the year, such as: tastings under the stars, courses with oenologists, enjoying lunch or a meal with local products, etc.
  • Stroll around Les Useres following one of its rural routes to contemplate landscapes of orchards and irrigation channels, well-tended olive tree terraces with traditional dry stone construction and monumental carob trees.
  • Eat in one of the town’s restaurants to enjoy the inland gastronomy of Castellón paired with the best local wines.

Activities and guided tours companies

    Where to eat

    Typical dishes and star products

    • Tombet de Les Useres
    • Pork pot
    • Rabbit with snails
    • Lamb chops in oil
    • Rabbit with almond sauce
    • Rice omelette


      Where to buy

      Local products

      • Wine
      • Hanging tomato
      • Truffle
      • Oil
      • Typical pastries: mudarra, motillo or figues albardaes

      Where to sleep

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